How To Make Your Website Interactive

Submitted by: Guido Nussbaum

The Internet is a different place than it was 10 years ago. Back then, people would surf the Internet by looking on the search engines and then jumping from link to link in order to find other websites. That all changed whenever the bubble burst and a new type of website began to come onto the scene. These are Web 2.0 websites and even though many of them were available before the change took place, the new ones are very interesting. Not only has it changed the way that people use the Internet, it has also changed the way that we can generate traffic.

One of the most important things for you to do if you have a website is to make it interactive in some way or another. There are several different ways that you can do this but some of the most popular are by adding a forum, using a blog with the comments turned on or allowing comments on a static webpage. Let’s take a look at each of these and examine how they can help your website traffic as well as how they can hurt your marketing in some way or another.


Website forums are probably one of the most popular ways to make your site interactive. Once a buzz gets going on a forum, the traffic can increase quite a bit and people really get talking. This can benefit your website in a number of different ways but it may also hold you back at the same time. Forums are a great place for people to voice their opinions and to generate traffic that is specifically related to what you are offering. They can also be a weight that is difficult to carry from time to time. If you’re going to be starting a forum, make sure that you have some good moderators so that it does not eat up all of your marketing time.

Blogs have been around for quite a few years but they have only been popular among Internet marketers for the past several. These are a great way to make your website interactive and many of the blogging platforms will allow you to make a post and then have people comment on it. This not only helps to keep people interested in what you have to say, it also adds additional content to your website which is great for your positioning in the search engines. The only thing that you need to worry about are spam comments but there are typically addons to the blog program that will keep these to a minimum.

Finally, there are some scripts out there that will allow comments to be added to static webpages. These are not used very often but they are an excellent way to add content to your website if you tend to write articles and build a site around them. Just make sure that the comment form that you use has the ability for you to moderate the comments before they are actually added to your pages.

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