Views On Illegal Immigration}

Views On Illegal Immigration



Immigration can help our society and our economy because it can further strengthen our image as the great melting pot and increase our tax base. The current argument by many conservatives against immigration is very shortsighted, believing first that it’s even possible to send back 12 million people. Trying to send back 12 million people would cause incredible chaos and tie up our law enforcement system in an incredible mess. The auxiliary arguments that are included in this conversation, such as increased crime and drugs, the concern about making English our national language and border security are valid points but not enough to cause America to move away from their inherent principles of being a melting pot where many people and cultures from around the world may find a better life.

This issue goes to the heart of American principles and combined with the negative fallback from the war on terror, this critical issue can help raise American prestige around the world. Sam G (Immigration Hysteria 2007) gives an excellent example of the state of American values in the Immigration plight, “Firstly the majority of the Hispanics did not come here to stay and breed with the so called citizen’s. They wanted to make a descent living and working condition nothing more. In exchange we got a cheap hard working human slave in exchange. Nobody recognizes this hard working human for what he is. If given an easy and proper channel to exit the country he will rightfully do so and go back to his loved ones back south of the border. We did not do enough to stop them at the border and did not give him a chance to leave either. Illegal Immigrants have no voice compared to the loud noise from the critics and feel like crying in the wilderness by themselves. United States is viewed as a beacon of hope in the rest of the world and we should live up to that expectation, remember with “Great power comes Great responsibility” we have the burden to be right even when are wrong. We should embrace the founding values and not be pigeon holed or scare in our own minds.”There are those who believe something is sinister in the Immigration argument, something devilish. Most agree that better security measures must be taken but to attach terrorist leanings to the immigrants that arrive through Mexico, most believe is stretching. However, that sentiment persist. In article, Immigration Ire By Rich Tucker Friday, June 15, 2007 , he expresses the feelings of those that sight the security concerns for handling Immigration strictly and harshly. “It’s long past time to close off the border. After all, the Pew Hispanic Center estimates there are 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and that 40 percent (4.4 million) have been here less than five years. Thus they’ve arrived since Sept. 11. We have no idea who these people are, of course, or where they’re living. What we do know is that there are a virtually limitless number of potential terrorist targets in the U.S. and that it’s impossible to protect all of them. At any time, a suicide bomber can detonate on a commuter train or in the middle of a busy store. We’ve been protected so far by good police work – authorities have broken up dozens of terrorist plots – and by the fact that it’s difficult for our terrorist enemies to convince people to kill themselves. Simply put, self-detonation isn’t a growth industry. But let’s suppose that a mere one-half of 1 percent of the illegal’s who’ve come here in recent years have terrorist leanings. That’s still 22,000 people. Considering it took only 20 terrorists to kill 3,000 Americans, that’s a scary number.” There are good arguments for both sides of the immigration debate. Its seems a great twist that Bush is for the Immigration measure along with Democrats while the biggest opponents are Bush’s conservative base. The Immigration debate still has much debate before some change will be enacted but all agree that it is very necessary for the healthy future of our country to have a good immigration legislation. Many argue we don’t need new immigration laws. We need to start enforcing the immigration laws we have. There are some consensus that most can agree with. First we should complete the border fence. Bush signed the Secure Fences Act of 2006. We need to finish building that fence, make sure it’s patrolled and give it time to work.Second lets identify all Illegal’s and make sure we know who they are and whether they have committed any crimes. Those that have, we can begin the process of sending them back. Third, let’s make it easier for employers to verify the immigration status of workers, and let’s hold those employers accountable when they don’t.Whatever we decide to do we won’t make everyone happy. Anytime your dealing with human emotion and possible separation of family you are going to cause tension. Just by inquiring and trying to identify who the illegals are will cause controversy. A clear, simple and well publicized plan must be made aware and implemented to have the best results. It is our American principles at stake and this as well as many other issues of the day should be handled with the utmost care. If we can master these principles deftly, of tightening our security, tactfully identifying and separating illegal’s and then to convincing the American public and the world that we are just, fair and safe, there is nothing that we can’t accomplish as American people and should further assist in reestablishing our image in the world.

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Views On Illegal Immigration}