Understanding Cosmetics And Acne Sound Advice

Posted on September 30, 2023October 1, 2023Categories Structures

Submitted by: W. Darren –

Teenagers are often the new targets of cosmetics companies. Whether the cosmetic companies are peddling new lines of lipsticks or new perfumes or new face powders, those aged 16 and above are often the new clientele . Companies often appeal to the youthful idealism of the younger crowd, linking the idea of wearing makeup to beauty, contentment and overall happiness. Eventually, some of the teenagers believe the mantra, and flock to the stores to buy the different beauty products.

Cosmetics for Skin Care – Is It Safe for Acne?

Let s face it, if we just rely on what advertisers say about cosmetic products out there in the market today, we would end up buying each and every one of them, because they all purport to be the best in their categories. Do a random search on the Internet and you will see what we mean. So many promises, and no evidence that it will work as promised.

If you want to use cosmetic products to help improve your acne, then the following should be taken into consideration. Remember, not every cosmetic product is safe for acne-ridden skin. If possible, consult your doctor about using anything aside from what has been prescribed to treat your acne.



– some mild cleansers may be able to help by removing excess oils on the very surface of the skin. This would allow for less bacteria to move about. However, cleansers of this type have no bearing on the infected lesions themselves, whose main problems lie well beneath the surface of the skin. The lesions are tips of little icebergs- the war is on the sub-dermal level.




– if you live in a very cold and very dry region of the country and the dryness is making your acne itch, you may try applying small amounts of moisturizer during the coldest and driest parts of the day. Remember to check whether the moisturizer doesn t have any oil in it. If it does and you apply it to your already problematic acne, then chances are your acne will get worse.


A Word About Acne Cosmetica

– there are some instances that misuse of cosmetic products would lead to a skin condition that has very similar symptoms with acne vulgaris. Acne cosmetica, as the name implies, is the direct result of cosmetics and skin irritation. If it happens to you, simply stop using the cosmetic products.

Active Ingredients

Often, active ingredients are added by the pharmaceutical companies with good wishes and a lot of profit-making in mind. The FDA sheds light on some of these active ingredients and debunks their supposed positive effects:


Aloe vera

– for all its healing properties, the FDA states that it would take much more aloe vera for you to reap the benefits of this succulent herb. Therefore, the miniscule amounts present in expensive face creams are next to useless.



– some cosmetic products sound like multivitamins with the number of vitamins included in the cosmetic package. It might sound good, but the FDA warns that there are no conclusive proofs that vitamins or other micronutrients have any beneficial effects when applied topically to the skin.

About the Author: Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of

Acne Treatment


Acne Treatment Reviews

. Featured article: “

Acne Antibiotics and the Common Illnesses that they Might Cause

“. Also, don’t forget to download your 70-page acne ebook for FREE.



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The Link Between Candida And Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Posted on April 9, 2018April 9, 2018Categories Structures

More On This Topic:

By Jane Symms

Vitamin B12 is essential for good health in many different ways. It aids in helping the nervous system function properly, and also helps with blood cell production. This comes in many forms, but the most common sources are in meats, diary products, and in eggs. Though B12 deficiency can happen to anyone, strict vegetarians are often at risk because they don’t eat any of those mentioned things. There are many different things that occur with a deficiency, and there appears to be a link between Candida and vitamin B12.

There are some conditions that can attribute to a deficiency in B12. Some are common sense and some are surprising.


Alcoholics are at risk as are those who have Crohn’s disease. There is an intrinsic factor that helps the body absorb B12 in the stomach and intestines, and if someone has had surgery in either area, that factor may have been affected or is missing.

When that happens, the B12 can not be absorbed as it should be. Someone with this problem will have no appetite, bouts of loose stools, and they might feel very weak. They might also notice a shortness of breath, problems with tingling or numbness in the extremities, and might even experience some mental fog.

Anemia brought on by a vitamin B12 deficiency must be treated. This can be accomplished in a few different ways, but it is urgent that it happens quickly. This is something that is rather easy to treat, and that is the good news for anyone with this condition. Usually a balanced diet will take care of the deficiency, though this might be hard for the strict vegetarian. Many times diet changes and a supplement of B12 will do the trick, and in some cases, shots might be needed rather than a pill. Some people will require these injections for life.

So, you may be wondering if Candida can be effected by a vitamin b12 deficiency. This is a yeast that grows in the body, most notably in the vaginal area and in the intestines. In most cases, it is kept under control by the body’s immune system. However, when there is a lack of B12 the immune function is impaired and Candida can then grow out of control. When this happens, a person might notice headaches, mental fog, tiredness, sinus issues, mood swings, loss of concentration, and even a craving for sweet foods.

In order to treat Candida, the deficiency of vitamin B12 will need to be taken care of first. When the proper balance of B12 is restored, the Candida can then be kept in check after a course of treatment and it has reverted back to its normal state with in the body. Now that you know Candida and Vitamin B12 are related, the knowledge should encourage you to eat a more balanced diet to avoid the further complications associated with a b12 deficiency.

About the Author: Grab your free copy of Jane Symms’ brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter – Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about

anti candida diet



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How Much Fish Oil Should I Take If…?

Posted on October 7, 2017October 7, 2017Categories Structures

By Valerie Rosenbaum

If you asked, ‘how much fish oil should I take?’ You might get a number of different answers. There is no well established daily dosage, although for adults the minimum daily requirement for omega3 fatty acids is currently set at 1100mg. In order to get that, the amount of fish oil that you should take depends on the brand and the omega3 content.

Many people think that 1000mg of fish oil provides 1000mg of omega3 fatty acids. That is not the case. The oils are a blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids that include omega-3, 6 and 9.

Most people get plenty of omega6 in their diets, because it is found in cooking oils. The value of omega9s in the diet has not been established. It is known that an imbalance of omega6 to omega3 causes a variety of health problems.

In the better supplements, at least 50% of the fat in the capsule is omega3. So, in order to get close to the minimum daily requirement, you would need to take two gel caps. Below, you will see the answers to a few other questions.

How much fish oil should I take if I have arthritis?


Arthritis is an inflammatory condition. Inflammation is involved in other health problems and plays a role in aging. A number of different studies have found that omega3 supplementation provides benefit for people that suffer from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

The amount used in the studies varied from 1000-3000mg per day given over the course of 3-4 months. A dose of 2000mg per day is generally recognized as safe and well-tolerated. You would need to check with your doctor about taking more. If diarrhea or nausea occurs, you should reduce the daily dose.

How much fish oil should I take if I have high cholesterol?

In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, omega3s can help lower LDL cholesterol by increasing HDL. LDL particles are small. They get stuck on the interior of the arterial walls. HDL particles are larger. They pick up the LDL and carry them back to the liver. Two gel caps per day, should be sufficient for an adult.

How much fish oil should I take if I suffer from depression or anxiety?

When it comes to depression, anxiety and other conditions that involve the brain, it is the DHA content that is most important. DHA is a specific omega3 fatty acid. The amount that is in a supplement could be very low.

Studies that showed benefit in depression used 500mg of DHA per day. You would need to check the label of the product that you intend to buy. The better supplements provide at least 250mg of DHA per capsule. So, once again, only 2 gel caps per day would be necessary.

How much fish oil should I take to protect the health of my heart?

Protecting the long-term health of your heart is the biggest benefit of an omega3 supplement. We do not know exactly how much is needed to achieve that benefit. Healthy diet and exercise are once again, essential. Most supplement manufacturers recommend 2 gel caps per day.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum knows that taking

omega 3 fish oil

supplements is the single most effective way to improve your health. But not all

fish oil supplements

are safe. Low quality fish oils may actually be harmful to your health, because they may contain toxic contaminants. Visit her site to discover the pure, fish oil product she uses and recommends:




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